3 Dirty Celebrity Trainer Secrets

Are  Hollywood trainers really all they’re hyped up to be or are actors and actresses using some sort of secret to keep their lean and ripped bods.

Well I’m here today to expose to you the top 3 secrets of Hollywood celebrity trainers.

1) Fake Tans
Everyone knows how good a tanned body can look, and this is why you will never find a single shirtless Hollywood star with a farmers tan. If your body is not tanned then you are not maximizing the potential of your muscularity. Even those cheesy fake tans can help increase the definition of your muscles

Fake Tan makes you look more toned and slimmer

2) The pump
Everyone knows the pump – that super tight feeling when you’re about to hit failure in weights, when the blood starts rushing to your muscles and everything just feels so tight and hard. It’s a great feeling but it can also make you seem much more lean and muscular than you really are. The thing about the pump is that it tends to go away after 45-60 minutes, which is plenty of time to shoot a movie scene.

3) Steroids
Yes you guessed it, steroids are used in Hollywood whether you like it or not. They can help stars achieve rock solid bodies in a very short period of time. What are some examples? I would say guys like Mark Whaleberg, Dwayne Johnson, and Chris Hemsworth have all used some sort of drug to build muscle quickly.

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